Saffron Cassaday began her career as an actor while working as an assistant director and editor on several online, TV and corporate projects. In 2014 Saffron directed her first documentary feature film called “Cyber-Seniors”. The film screened at 14 film festivals (winning Audience Choice at the High Falls Film Festival), and played to packed houses in over 200 communities. Cyber-Seniors was nominated for Best Foreign Trailer – Golden Trailer Awards – 2014, and for the American Library Association Notable Videos for Adults – 2016. Saffron has received well over 200 accolades for the film and her work, several coming from the most prestigious media outlets in North America including the New York Times, LA Times, Village Voice and Hollywood Reporter. The film has been broadcast in 40 countries including on PBS, Netflix and CBC in North America. Cyber-Seniors has also inspired a social campaign, which to date has reached over 800 million individuals through events, traditional media and social media, and is supported by over 900 partners including AARP foundation, Best Buy Foundation, TELUS Canada, BlueCrossBlueShield Mn, and hundreds of schools, universities, and libraries.
Saffron’s second documentary film “Returning Citizens” was shot in Washington, D.C. and focuses on a passionate, close-knit group of formerly incarcerated individuals who now act as leaders in their community. The film was released on Hulu, iTunes and Amazon in late 2017 and on Bell VOD in April 2018. In addition, Saffron has directed and edited a number of commercial projects for corporate clients including Fujitsu, Best Buy and Ergo-Centric Seating.
Saffron holds Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from York University. She is a Canadian citizen living in Los Angeles. She has US Business Visa through her production company The Best Part USA, and is legally permitted to work in both countries.